Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Popular Living Room Design Ideas

Popular Living Room Design Ideas-2
Popular Living Room Design Ideas

Many ideas that we can achieve to make our guest room to be special. No need to with expensive furniture, creative ideas we can make a different room. Decorating a living room should not be too luxurious and expensive. If you are on a tight budget, you can do it yourself instead of hiring in a designer, but if you can afford to hire a good designer, then why not. You can plan the future and review the design online or in magazines to see the effects in the real room.

I'll give some tips and ideas on how to arrange the living room. Here are some of the popular idea of design of living room you can find on the Internet and in some interior design magazines:

1. Classic-modern design is one of the most common living room design ideas. Design living room to be adjusted with the theme. Households with a modern design classic especially enjoy the feeling of relaxation and structure of living space. If you are a very sharp-edged geometric or space, textured and smooth tone is the way to go.

2. Hawaiian-inspired design is not difficult to achieve. This design uses a lot of hand-made equipment, a simple but elegant. Always remember that the key elements: native handmade jewelry and accessories, furniture fabric, bamboo, and of course the signature floral prints. If you love Hawaiian sun, sea and flora, may include aspects of planning for the design of your living room.

3. Modern Zen design is made to relax and bring comfort to your living space. The idea of living room design is very popular today mainly for those who want a balance and comfort in your home. Having a focal point in your living room and point the balance of style are the key ingredients. Bring a natural feel by opening up the room and let some natural light Zen feel complete.

4. Brings tropical style to color Palettes out. To make room atmosphere becomes fresh and natural. Healthy vegetables and yellows of the natural flora are just two of the most common colors you can find in a tropical room design idea life. Choose a color found naturally the color of trees, plants, flowers and fruit. Think of a tropical forest or a tropical fruit in the market full of inspiring design.

5. Living room has Victorian-style luxury and class. Leisure living room you can make happen. Usually found room Victorian style living in the Victorian style houses and hotels. The key here is the classic sophisticated style with a touch of color and output. Victorian style living room talk of wealth.

Whatever the idea of living room design in mind, make sure it fits your needs and lifestyle. Be sure to consult a designer who knows how to hold a tight budget and that meets what you want. And always remember to choose the design you can enjoy for a long time.

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